Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Krisdayanti (KD) is one of the Indonesia-born diva Batu, Malang, East Java. Beautiful woman who is also the wife of the musician was known as Anang Hermansyah hard-working artists who are good at selling stylish and talented.

He started his career as a champion of Asia Bagus, a Kris Kristofferson continues to explode in Indonesia and often live music on stage in various international stage.

At a very young age, 21 years old, with a bachelor KD ending their marriage with a musician Anang Hermansyah on August 22, 1996. This marriage was blessed with two children, Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah and Azriel Akbar Hermansyah.

After marriage, career KD increasingly uphill, even during the year 2004, Mary held a concert 8 times in various places, and became an icon MTV ICON. In addition she was born March 24, 1975 had also become an icon for GE Finance Master Card, Mercedes Benz, Bukrim, BCA magazine, as the slogan Enjoy Jakarta Indonesia and became the ambassador of Samsung.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Beginning in June, precisely June 3, 2010, Ariel porn video issues like tripping over themselves with Luna Maya is currently a girlfriend, and also Cut Tari.

After the circulation of pornographic videos like himself, Ariel had disappeared and suddenly went to Police Headquarters on Friday evening (06/11/2010) with Luna Maya to fulfill the call of the police. When it comes together Ariel famous lawyer OC Kaligis and some safari-clad bodyguards who protect sprightly Ariel the siege reporters.

On the same day, Ariel is also reported to the Press Council because it is considered to obstruct the work of reporters and camera damaging one TV cameraman Trans.

Monday (14/06/10), Ariel and Luna Maya is performing surprisingly appeared on the evening news, TV One with Karni Ilyas.

On Tuesday morning (June 22, 2010) about three o'clock in the morning went to Police Headquarters Ariel, and Ariel ditetatapkan status as a suspect.

Ariel threatened because of a conscious-coated article documenting the intimate relationship which later spread and become immoral action, with a minimum of six years in prison sentence.

Looking back, the name Ariel is known as the vocalist of Peterpan is born with the name Nazril Irham in Pangkalan Brandan, September 16, 1981 of three brothers.

Ariel's name as a vocalist jumped after successful music group Peter, along with other personnel, Naliputra Wirahardja Andika (Andika), Mohammad Hikmat Kautsar (CIU), Ilsyah Ryan Reza (Reza), Loekman Judge, and Indra.

It was said that was brought to the song Waiting for you to collaborate with Tim Christensen is his work while he was in secondary school (high school), before his friend, Andika as the founder of Peter, then invited him to join the band. Ariel, who had been a student at the University of Parahyangan in Bandung, the more successful joint success Peterpan albums.

Related personal life, Ariel never married Sarah Amalia, who still has family relationship with DJ Winky Wiryawan. Their marriage was inviting controversy and media coverage. Amalia who was then pregnant demanding responsibility of Ariel to marry him. No less effort Winky Wiryawan also spoke at the media for 'urgent' father from Anata Alleia it.

Male household ever closer to the star Luna Maya is facing crisis in mid 2007. Although not confirmed, the man who had tied the household Andhara Early divorce - ME's Ferry, is accused of having another woman of your dreams.

The news of their divorce are increasingly buzzing Santer late 2007, although Ariel always denied this. Finally in February 2008, Ariel officially filed suit for divorce-divorce for Sarah Amalia in West Jakarta Religious Court. Peak on May 27, 2008, both formally accept the decision of divorce.

Ariel widower status back closer relationship with Luna Maya, who is now a long relationship blossomed again. Yet they both dodged their closeness is defined as lovers.

How could appear, if the status is now up for grabs Ariel widower of two beautiful women, between Luna Maya and singer Aura Kasih. However, this news was not too taken by Ariel.

In addition to his music career, Ariel began to explore the world turns out the ad. Because having a bit of saturation, he began to try a whole new world for him. And being a star is currently advertising an option. Ariel became a star Sunsilk shampoo ad with Amy Lee's model.

Ariel started stifling preached was married with Luna Maya, Ariel finally in April 2009 finally began to admit that he was going out with Luna. Although he met with the mother of Luna, but Ariel has not wanted to take this relationship to pursue marriage.

After a solo career as an advertising star, this time, Ariel didapuk as the icon of the Yamaha Music. Ariel was contracted for two years. Where will Ariel had to use the guitar from Yamaha and frontman of Peterpan is mandatory in the event coaching clinic.

The singer and star of the ad, apparently still not enough for Ariel. Now he swept the world of acting, through his role on the big screen as an adult Arai THE DREAMERS (2009). In this film, Ariel uses his real name, ie Nazril Irham.

Currently Ariel is still a relationship with the artist's love of Luna Maya.


Dwi Ririn Ariyanti known as a model, actress sinetron and presenter. Youngest of two siblings, born in Jakarta, 6 November 1985.

Ririn has appeared in soap operas WITH WHAT IS LOVE, NOT ME, RING, Cinderella DREAM, and THE SUN STUPID HUMAN LOVE.

In the soap opera RING, Ririn role as Airin, who has adult attitude, gentle, and firm in the establishment.

While in the NOT ME, along Baim Wong and Bertrand Antolin, Ririn should serve as a graceful woman who each time had to shed tears.

Women with long hair are also students at the University of Paramadina this, build a relationship with a young man named Benny Mulya. But their relationship foundered after dating for four years.


Tina Astari known as a sitcom actress and the Indonesian film. Women born in Jakarta, August 19, 1978, began his career in the entertainment world when starring in soap operas BLOOD WAREHOUSE (RCTI) in 2002.

Women who are often called, is similar to this Puspita Della jump to the big screen by starring in films from Blora RUN.

The actress reportedly been close to the heir to the Cendana family, Panji Trihatmodjo, now establish the love with the guitarist Element group, Aryan.

Since the year 2008, officially in a relationship with Tina Bonus Band vocalist, you Wardhana.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mihiro Taniguchi Model

Mihiro Taniguchi is the artist as well as models in Japan that is very sensational and he is very talented in the arts so I try melihatkan drawing to you all how beautiful a Mihiro Taniguchi ll if you want to see the other pictures you can visit my blog whenever you want . thank you for your visit ok ...

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Two days designated as a prisoner Ariel Police Headquarters, outstanding photo Luna Maya's boyfriend who looked mingle with other prisoners. Ariel looks in the photo are familiar with the 10 prisoners.

In the photo Ariel wore a white shirt and black shorts. Former vocalist Peter looked smiled and embraced one another prisoner Police Headquarters.

Ariel photos were apparently taken in custody at the Police Headquarters. Ariel, who was in the middle of the detainees were relaxed by wearing flip-flops. But so far the authenticity of these photographs could not be ascertained because no official statement from the party or the Ariel Police Headquarters.

Previously, in addition to photographs with the prisoners, there are also photographs showing prisoners wearing Ariel. He appeared wearing an orange shirt and smiled happily.

There are also photo Ariel is sitting relaxed with six others on a wooden board. Beloved artist Luna Maya is still wearing a white shirt with a white towel berselendang. Image capture also taken place in a room, which seemed to be used specifically for chatting. In the photo shown of food, beverages, and cigarettes lying on the floor ashtray.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Di Atas Batu Atau Pasir?

Dulu hiduplah sepasang sahabat yang ingin berkeliling dunia. Mereka berjalan menyusuri sungai, memasuki pedalaman hutan, mendaki gunung, melewati lembah dan bahkan gurun pasir. Perjalanan mereka diwarnai banyak kejadian menyenangkan maupun menyedihkan. Terkadang mereka bercanda, dan di kesempatan lain mereka bertengkar.

Suatu ketika seorang dari mereka salah membaca peta sehingga mereka berdua tersesat, dan salah satu yang lain marah besar. Seharusnya mereka berdua sudah bisa beristirahat di sebuah desa dan makan kenyang di rumah penduduk. Tidur dalam selimut dan bukan masih tersesat di dalam hutan belantara yang tak menyediakan tempat beristirahat karena sekelilingnya banyak lumpur hisap dan rumput duri. Saat melihat sebuah batu besar mereka pun memutuskan berhenti dan bermalam di sana. Keesokan harinya sahabat yang sedang marah menuliskan kemarahannya di atas batu sebagai wujud emosi yang meluap di dalam hatinya. Namun mereka berdua kembali meneruskan perjalanannya.

Kali ini sahabat yang marah memutuskan untuk memegang peta dan membacanya. Maka ia pun menunjukkan sebuah arah dan meminta sahabatnya mengikutinya berjalan di belakangnya. Hari sudah hampir larut malam, namun mereka tak jua menemukan rumah penduduk. Yang ada di depan mereka hanyalah hamparan gurun pasir yang semakin lama semakin luas. Karena sudah kelelahan, maka mereka membangun tenda di dekat sebuah bongkahan batu besar.

Keesokan harinya sahabat yang suka marah memeriksa batu besar tempat ia tidur. Ia mencari-cari tulisan hasil amarah sahabatnya, namun ia tak menemukannya. Betapa terkejutnya ia, saat turun dari batu, justru tulisan itu ia temukan di atas pasir. Maka bertanyalah ia kepada sahabatnya, "Wahai sahabat, mengapa kau menuliskan amarahmu di atas pasir? Bukannya di sini juga ada batu?" Kemudian sahabatnya menjawab, "Tidak, sahabat. Aku memang marah kepadamu, tetapi aku tak mau menuliskannya di atas batu. Karena angin tak akan dapat menghapus tulisan tersebut. Maka aku menuliskannya di atas pasir, sehingga jika ada angin bertiup, amarahku juga akan ikut lenyap," katanya dengan tersenyum.

Sahabat yang pemarah kemudian memeluk sahabatnya erat-erat. meminta maaf bahwa selama ini ia selalu menaruh dendam dan tak pernah memaafkan kesalahan sahabatnya.

Itulah yang seringkali kita lakukan, kita sering mengukir dalam-dalam kesalahan yang orang lain lakukan di atas batu kepada kita sehingga kita jadi pendendam dan sulit untuk memaafkan. Hendaklah kita menuliskannya di atas pasir, sehingga saat angin bertiup, amarah itu akan hilang, dan persahabatan akan tetap bisa dilanjutkan dengan penuh perasaan damai dan kasih sayang.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Cut Tari or complete Anasya Cut Tari Aminah, known as a presenter, actress, soap operas and the big screen. Women born in Jakarta, November 1, 1977, Aceh has a blood descendant of his father, Teuku Joesransjah.

Women who also is familiarly called Lilly, began his career in the selection of artists from the Cover Girl 1991. Starting from that, he was then the chance to star in advertisements of products, including cosmetics and Pixy Young teens in 1993.

Meanwhile, her debut in acting as a guest star on the comedy fairytale SKY solicitation star comedian, Harry De Fretes. Continues then bid on the show the sides of the WORLD (1993) with a role as a maid.

Until now the wife of John Joseph Subrata, has starred in many soap operas, where the dominant role as an antagonist and fierce. Sinetron-sinetron these include, JOURNEY, Melati, my prayers my hopes, BLUE CAFE, DEWI FORTUNA, LAMENT stepchildren and flattered.

Wedding Dance by Joseph held in 2004 increasingly crowded with the presence of a daughter. Beautiful baby named Sidney born by Caesarean Azkassyah Joseph in a hospital in Jakarta on October 10, 2007.

After becoming a mother, Dance is still focusing on the entertainment world, but not as active as before. Now he more often appeared as a presenter at various events, such as INSERT hosted gossip.

In playing their role as presenter of infotainment, Tari became champion in the event of Panasonic Awards 2009 in Infotainment Presenter category.

Performers in the world do not make dance forget presenter career in acting. He went back to active playing soap operas, Pelangi, INTAN LOVE, LOVE INTEREST and most recently the Hafizah (2009).

June 8, 2010, Cut Tari tripped on its side with the circulation of news-like video porn himself and Ariel (Peterpan). According to experts, telecommunications, Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat, video is recorded for a duration of 8 minutes using a good quality HP about the period of 2006.

The circulation of pornographic video dance like him make a career in danger. On the same day the Department of Marketing and Public Relations TransTV, A. Hadiansyah Lubis, decided to rest my INSERT Dance as a presenter and also other programs that exist under TransCorp.


On June 23 yesterday, Shandy Aulia 23-year-old right. On that special day that he was not only feel happiness with family and friends, but also get a special gift from her boyfriend, Dave Laksono, the groom to propose to soon. Both seem so happy with a bandage dress matching color.

"My dream was to marry at age 23. It turns out that oral ruling, so do not talk nonsense. This is a gift from God," said Shandy. "It's a birthday gift Shandy," added Dave.

While low self-esteem, Shandy said that there is nothing special in the application process in which they live. Show only standard that most people do. While for the determination of the date of the wedding, they are also still in talks.

To be sure, both Shandy and Dave felt it was equally suitable and would have to navigate the ship of the household together. They are already comfortable from the start.

"The introduction of approximately eight months ago in an event. 100% no accident. I'm present, Shandy invited. We acquaintances and deeper approach. I know Shandy actually, until I felt the comfort and confidence to move on," says son The Great Welfare Laksono.

"Dave could make me feel comfortable. Utarain my hard, but I think Dave is best for me," said Shandy.

Hime Kamiya Model

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Asmirandah born in Jakarta on October 5, 1989. This beautiful virgin fame when starring in soap operas THIS taste? and LOVE SMU 2. After that the girl was familiarly called Button starred in several soap operas such as mating pendants, MEANING OF LOVE, LOVE MOST, MOST LOVING 2, YOU STILL beloved, Wulan, HEAVEN YOU, BABY DOLL, and Melody. Button has also been a Rexona ad star, Pangkey Chocolate, Chocolate Gery and Suzuki Spin.

Not only adept at acting in front of the screen glass, soap star SEKAR also start reaching into the director. For starters, Button, name calling, video clips of the band will be directing newcomers, Robin Hood.

Unsparing, even Button is also a duet with Robin Hood and the video clips on a single model Wrong Notices.

Currently, the Button is preparing his solo album. The plan is a solo album Axe perfume commercials will be released in June 2009.


Julie Estelle was born in Jakarta, January 4, 1989. Julie's career, so called, begins from the image model and then expanded into feature films. As a photo model, the appearance of Julie 'terheboh' is now appearing in the Indonesian version of Playboy magazine. The emergence of a magazine that had the adult market, inviting controversial until now. One of them,

Julie have since become involved and participate examined the complaints of a religious social organizations.
While as a film star, MTV VJ younger brother, Cathy Sharon, had starred in Alexandria with Fachri Albar and Marcel Chandrawinata. He starred in the film's follow DEALOVA, and his latest film, a horror film directed by Rizal Matovani, Kuntilanak.

Julie is a child himself and Hilda Limbara Thierry Gasnier, couples French and Manado-blooded Chinese.
Women who had been nominated for MTV's Most Favorite Rising Star of Alexandria through the film, now the middle of a relationship with the national drivers Seoprapto Moreno, who is also the younger brother of Ananda Mikola.

Relationships were established with Moreno should be disbanded in the mid-2008. Macabre movie star was then reportedly close to a former lover Dian Sastrowardoyo, Abi Yapto. However, eventually going out with Abi Julie denied. Now this DARA HOUSE star middle establish Ello love with the singer. Always play on the big screen, started the year in 2010, Julie began to explore the world soap opera. unmitigated he immediately played in sinetron stripping, Amanah IN LOVE.


Police set singer, Nazriel Ilham aka Ariel as a suspect in the alleged violation of the Law on Pornography.

Videotapes containing the hot scenes between a man suspected as Ariel with two women spread a few weeks ago and caused uproar in Indonesia.

Based on the videotape, the police have several times called Ariel and actress Luna Maya and Cut Tari, who allegedly also in the video recordings, to be examined.

"Ariel was accompanied by his lawyer to surrender this morning at 03 o'clock," said Deputy Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters, Brig ZAINURI Lubis.

According ZAINURI, subject to the status of the suspect based Ariel Pornography Act but does not explain what the basic presumption that is used to entrap him.

In the case of an alarming video recording is not yet clear whether the actors in the video it's really a lot of names mentioned, and whether the purpose of making a video is to be disseminated.

Earlier this week police said the video was first uploaded to the Internet from an early social networking site in June.

Police say there is still pursuing a number of alleged perpetrators of the early dissemination of the tape.

Police also said there were some new additional witnesses will be heard the explanations.

"Ariel becomes a suspect, management, friends in the group or team of his band and crew will feel the impact," said analysts music Bens Leo, when contacted reporters, Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Bens Leo disclose would be difficult for the band from Bandung to exist at the music without the presence of ground water into Ariel's frontman in the band was phenomenal. Bens Leo confessed role of Ariel in the band are very large and influential.

"It is difficult for the band to survive without Ariel because Ariel as the band's lead singer and icon," he said.
