Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jennifer Kurniawan - Irfan Bachdim Berduet di 'ISLAM KTP'?

Rencana Multivision Plus untuk mengajak pesepakbola ganteng Irfan Bachdim untuk bermain di Sinetron ISLAM KTP bakal terus dikembangkan. Bahkan, Multivision bila perlu akan mengajak serta kekasih Irfan, Jennifer Kurniawan, untuk bermain bersama sang pacar.

"Keluarga Gonzalez kemarin juga ikut serta, jadi bukan hanya Gonzalez-nya saja. Makanya kita juga akan mengajak kekasihnya Irfan bila perlu Jennifer Kurniawan. Dia kan juga model dan familiar dengan dunia televisi," ujar PR Promotion Multivision Plus, Aris Muda, saat ditemui di Gandaria City, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (24/2).

Jika Gonzalez yang seorang mualaf bisa disinkronkan dengan jalannya cerita ISLAM KTP, lalu bagaimana dengan Irfan? Aris menjelaskan jika tim kreatif Sinetron ISLAM KTP memiliki banyak ide cerita. Menurutnya, tak menjadi persoalan jika Irfan bermain nanti.

"Ceritanya kita banyak, jadi cerita bisa kita bikin apapun. Lagipula, sinetron ini kan bercerita tentang toleransi, intinya pemain yang di sini kebanyakan muslim. Tapi semua itu nggak masalah, karena ceritanya kan bisa dikembangkan," ujar Aris.

Lalu, apakah dengan kemunculan nanti akan mampu menyaingi penampilan Gonzalez sebelumnya?

"Kemunculan di ISLAM KTP pasti beda dengan Gonzales kemarin, nanti kita sesuaikan dengan cerita. Semua kan akan berkembang paralel, bisa jadi nanti kita akan menarik pacarnya," pungkas Aris.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Artis Thailand Mulus

Artis Thailand Mulus decidual layer is released from the uterine wall is called lokia. New endometrium grows and is formed during 10 days postpartum and to be perfect about 6 weeks. Involution process lasted about 6 weeks. During the ongoing process of uterine involution, uterine weight decreased darts 1000 grams to 60 grams, and uterine size changes from 15 x 11 x 7.5 cm to 7.5 x 5 x 2.5 cm.

Every week, uterine weight decreased by approximately 500 grams and the cervix closed until the width of a finger. The process of uterine involution is accompanied by a high decrease in fundus uteri (TFU). On the first day, TFU above the symphysis pubis or about 12 cm. This process continues with decreasing TFU 1 cm each day, so that at day-7 TFU ranging from 5 cm and at day 10 was not palpable at the symphysis pubis.

Lokiaout the uterus after birth up to 3 or 4 weeks postpartum . Lokia changes occur in three stages, namely lokia rubra, serosa and alba. Lokia rubra is the first blood that comes out and comes from the release of the placenta. After several days, lokia change color to brown which consists of blood and serum that contains leukocytes and tissue called lokia serosa. At week 2, yellowish-white lokia consisting of cervical mucus, leukocytes, and network. Ovaries and fallopian tubes: After birth the placenta, estrogen and progesterone production decreases, causing a reciprocal mechanism of circulation rnenstruasi. At this point begins the process of ovulation, so women can get pregnant again.

Artis Thailand Seksi

Artis Thailand Seksi Definition and purpose of the post partum care. There is some understanding of the childbirth, among others: (a). Puerperal period begins a few hours after the birth of the placenta until 6 the following week (JHPEIGO, 2002). (b). Puerperal period not less than 10 days and not more than 8 days after the final delivery, the midwife in accordance with the monitoring needs of mothers and infants (Bennet and Brown, 1999). In Latin, the time after childbirth is called puerpenthy, namely the meaning of the word puer parous baby and give birth. Puerperium means the period after childbirth. Puerperal period (puerperium) is the period of any return, ranging from labor done until the tools back as prahamil content. Long period of childbirth, that is 6-8 weeks. Puerperal divided into three periods, namely: (1). Puerperium early, ie when the mother's recovery and bcrjalan tclah allowed to stand. (2). Puerperium intermedial, namely recovery menyelurula genital equipment. (3). Remote puerperium, the time needed to recover and perfectly healthy, especially when during pregnancy or during labor and delivery has complications. Time to sound perfect may be a few weeks, months, or years.

The concept of antenatal care. Further contributing to the tasks assigned to the midwife that must be implemented with full responsibility. With such a view Lehrman, emerging midwifery theory based on the results of research conducted. In this theory, Lehrman wants the midwives to look at all aspects of providing care to pregnant women and provide delivery assistance. Lehrman investigate the antenatal care shows the difference between the administrative procedures imposed and the benefits of antenatal and type of services received by women in the obstetrics clinic. The relationship between the identification of risk factors and effectiveness of antenatal care on the desired results have not been fulfilled.

In participatory care, midwives can engage the client in assessment, planning, danevaluasi. Patient / client ikutbertanggung responsible or take part in antenatal care. Of the eight components made by Lehrman, followed by Marthen in 1991 on patients / clients postpartum. From the results of such implementation, Marthen then added three more in the eighth component concept created by Lehrman, namely therapeutic techniques, empowerment, and relationships of others.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Foto Seksi Aura Kasih

Foto Seksi Aura Kasih. How Breastfeeding Right. After the young mother to know the important things related to the preparation of breastfeeding, it helps us to know, how to position / correct way of feeding. Obviously, the position is crucial for the convenience of breastfeeding infants and mothers themselves. Do you have to always breastfeed lying down? No. We have to accustom the baby can suckle under any circumstances. Whether we sleep at home, standing, sitting, or even when we were in the vehicle.

Foto Aura Kasih

Foto Aura Kasih. Benefits of breastfeeding. Any references will show how beneficial breastfeeding management for growth and development of infants and toddlers-kta. Exclusive breastfeeding for a minimum of 6 months to 2 years of adequate intake of essential fats or PUFA (double bond in unsaturated fats). These good fats are essential to the health of children up to age 5 years for growth over the maximum / optimal, especially for brain development is entering a period of optimal age 0 to 3 years. Physician nutrition specialist clinic, dr Fiastuti Witjaksono, MS, SpGK, said that breast milk contains essential fatty enough, about 10 percent of the total 30 percent of daily fat intake. "breast milk itself already contains the essential fat, but her mother also should eat a diet that meets the intake of PUFA is adequate," said Dr. Fia, when the media workshop organized by Alchemy some time ago.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Foto Bugil Jupe

Foto Bugil Jupe. Body Health. Our bodies can be described as a large factory, working within a variety of production processes. Each function of the body to form an interconnected system to another. Almighty God has created man with such perfect. As a servant of course we should continue to be grateful for any gifts, and delicious. Manifestation of gratitude for every blessing of God can we manivestasikan on our seriousness to keep / maintain our health as well as possible. Because the world is created by pairs, there are no ill health, etc. then of course the greatest challenge for humans is how capable as closely as possible to avoid all illness. Disease course will make the system in our body become balanced and in turn we will experience pain.

Foto Seksi Luna Maya

Foto Seksi Luna Maya. Beautiful with Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is famous for making the hair into the hair becomes soft, so beautiful. Perhaps these benefits have we heard from before, and we are often encouraged by our parents to use aloe vera for beautiful hair. That's why a lot of shampoo that uses aloe vera extract in their products. The benefit is obtained from the content of glyco proteins. When you have this plant at home, you can use it in a way to peel his skin and then rub the meat to the scalp and hair to become fertile and beautiful hair.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cut Tari Mandi Telanjang

Cut Tari Mandi Telanjang Effect of Sun Rays Sun For Human essential to life. Without the sun, there is no life on earth. Sun contribute to the process of photosynthesis in plants. In addition, the sun also acts to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D, which serves to memetabolisasi calcium, to form strong bones. Sunlight, if a little is beneficial for the body. However, excessive sunlight can be harmful to the skin. Even the hazard can increase with increasing number of rays on our skin.

Foto Bugil Cut Tari

Foto Bugil Cut Tari Benefits of Fruit. Fruits other than healthy and filling to eat, there are also many benefits in other ways. The content of nutrients and vitamins can be directly perceived to make beautiful and smooth skin. With fruit that exists, we can make a fruit mask that will make the face look bright and clean. A natural addition, make masks the fruit is very cheap, so the beauty treatments did not need to drain our pockets.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Foto Bugil Luna Maya

Foto Bugil Luna Maya Hair Loss Treatment. Baldness either a permanent or temporary can not be cured, but for hair loss treatments can be done to help the process of hair growth and prevent hair loss. For some types of hair loss, hair usually grow back without treatment. The effectiveness of medications used for treatment of hair loss depends on the cause of hair loss, hair loss and the scale of each individual's response to the treatment performed. Usually the greater the scale of hair loss will also become less effective treatment

Foto Seksi Cut Tari

Foto Seksi Cut Tari Hair Loss in Women. At first we may not realize that hair loss is experienced, can be started from a few strands of hair left in the comb or the bathroom floor until finally the scalp that can be seen clearly. Baldness is often described as excessive hair loss in head & can be caused by many things such as heredity and age, side effects from certain medications or because of health problems. Although baldness is mostly found in men, women also have this problem mainly hair loss. This is usually more disturbing because women's hair is always identified with the crown in women.

Artis Indonesia Paling seksi

Artis Indonesia Paling seksi Premature Ejaculation. Too frequent masturbation cause premature ejaculation. The next ejaculate also will take a long time. For men who frequently masturbate several times before having sex, it would be difficult to reach climax. Another problem that arises is the reduced sensitivity to touch other people, especially our spouses, and more familiar with a touch of self. Too often do also may trigger skin abrasions, swelling of the sex organs because they do not use a lubricant.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Artis Seksi Indonesia

Artis Seksi Indonesia smooth Skin With Coconut Water. So far, only known as coconut water release thirst. In fact, some think, just a waste coconut water from coconuts. In fact, in the solution, this coconut juice has properties and exceptional nutritional value. Not only the macro elements in the form of nitrogen and carbon, but also much-needed micro elements in coconut water body. Nitrogen element in it in the form of a protein composed of amino acids, like alanine, cystine, arginine, opy, and serine. Compared to the amino acid contained in cow's milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro elements in coconut water in the form of mineral ions needed as a substitute body. Worthy indeed, if after a young coconut drink our body feels refreshed

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Foto Hot Artis Indonesia

Foto Hot Artis Indonesia. Maintain Eye Health. The eyes are one of the senses of the human body is very complex & function for vision. Although its function for human life is very important, but often less noticed, so many diseases that attack the eye was not treated properly & causing impaired vision to blindness. To prevent that, we recommend that each time experiencing a disturbance in the eye, consult with a physician customers. It is recommended also for eyes examined every year to the doctor, along with routine hea checks in general. Thus, doctors can treat early and prevent a more severe illness to the disturbances that occurred in the eye that can interfere with the activity to cause blindness. Routine eye examination can be performed more frequently in those who have a family history of eye diseases such as high eye pressure (glaucoma) or cataract at a young age. The most common vision problems experienced are myopic, may be nearsighted, farsighted are usually experienced by those aged over 40 years, or a mixture of both. All types of myopic eyes focused on its core is a disorder seen the shadow object. Nearsightedness can be overcome by using glasses or contact lenses.
