Julie Estelle can walk OVER the water...and fuck over it as well...
Click here to get Julie Estelle FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Julie Estelle Walking on the water !
Friday, October 30, 2009
The HOT legs of ZIzi...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nomor / Angka Romawi Kuno
Orang romawi kuno menggunakan penomoran tersendiri yang sangat berbeda dengan sistem penomeran pada jaman seperti sekarang. Angka romawi hanya terdiri dari 7 nomor dengan simbol huruf tertentu di mana setiap huruf melangbangkan / memiliki arti angka tertentu, yaitu :
I / i untuk angka satu / 1
V / v untuk angka lima / 5
X / x untuk angka sepuluh / 10
L / l untuk angka lima puluh / 50
C / c untuk angka seratus / 100
D / d untuk angka lima ratus / 500
M / m untuk angka seribu / 1000
Beberapa kekurangan atau kelemahan sistem angka romawi, yakni :
1. Tidak ada angka nol / 0
2. Terlalu panjang untuk menyebut bilangan tertentu
3. Terbatas untuk bilangan-bilangan kecil saja
Untuk menutupi kekurangan angka romawi pada keterbatasan angka kecil, maka dibuat pengali seribu dengan simbol garis strip di atas simbol hurup (kecuali I).
V / v dengan garis di atas untuk angka lima ribu / 5000
X / x dengan garis di atas untuk angka sepuluh ribu / 10000
L / l dengan garis di atas untuk angka lima puluh ribu / 50000
C / c dengan garis di atas untuk angka seratus ribu / 100000
D / d dengan garis di atas untuk angka lima ratus ribu / 500000
M / m dengan garis di atas untuk angka satu juta / 1000000
Metode / Teknik Penomoran Angka Romawi :
1. Simbol ditulis dari yang paling besar ke yang paling kecil
2. Semua simbol besar ke kecil dijumlah kecuali kecil ke besar berarti ada pengurangan.
Contoh penulisan angka romawi kuno :
1. 16 = XVI
2. 35 = XXXV
3. 45 = XLV
4. 79 = LXXIX
5. 99 = IC
6. 110 = CX
7. 999 = CMXCIX
8. 1666 = MDCLXVI
9. 2008 = MMVIII
The Lusty Lusy Rahmawati...
AB3, the female vocal groups, has become a pornographic icon since their broken time....And Lusy is the best amongst, as she was a honey-bunny cover girl for some man porn magazine. As a pornstar, how you describe the meaning of her lusty smile ?
Click here to get Lusy Rahmawati FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !
Kiat Hindari Kanker Prostat

Kanker prostat memang menjadi suatu hal yang menakutkan bagi para pria, akan tetapi menurut penelitian, ada beberapa cara untuk mengurangi resiko terkena kanker prostat. Mau tau?
Makanlah lebih banyak makanan rendah lemak, tinggi serat, atau makanan yang mengandung asam lemak omega- 3, seperti produk kacang- kacangan contohnya tahu sutra dan kacang kedelai, tomat dan makanan yang mengandung saus tomat, sayur - sayuran seperti brokoli, kembang kol dan kol serta ikan salmon, tuna dan sarden.
Para peneliti juga menemukan cara - cara lain untuk membantu mengurangi resiko kanker prostat seperti meminum segelas anggur merah atau teh hijau, serta suplemen seperti vitamin D dan E serta selenium.
Usia di atas 50 tahun memang merupakan salah satu faktor resiko untuk kanker prostat. Lebih dari 65 persen dari seseorang yang baru didiagnosa kanker prostat berusia 65 tahun keatas. sebagai tambahan 90 persen dari kematian karena kanker prostat terdapt pada usia pria diatas 65,4 tahun.
Mari kita lihat beberapa faktor berikut ini yang bisa mengurangi resiko terkena kanker prostat :
1. Memperbaiki keadaan kesehatan umum.
Jaga agar berat badan Anda berada pada berat ideal untuk tinggi Anda. Jika Anda menderita obesitas maka temui ahli gizi untuk mengatur diet yang seimbang. Kombinasikan juga dengan kegiatan olahraga.
2. Minum banyak air. Air sangatlah esensial untuk kesehatan karena membantu mengurangi racun - racun dari dalam tubuh. Konsumsi air yang ideal setiap hari adalah 6 - 8 gelas sehari. Kopi dan teh tidak termasuk dalam konsumsi air.
3. Kurangi minum alkohol.
4. Makan makanan yang banyak mengandung likopen, contohnya tomat dan buah bit.
5. Makan makanan yang mengandung asam lemak omega-3 seperti kacang kedelai dan produknya seperti tofu, atau susu kacang kedelai, salmon, tuna dan sarden.
6. Makan makanan yang mengandung beta karoten seperti wortel
7. Kurangi konsumsi daging - dagingan dan lemak
8. Pastikan Anda mendapat cukup asupan selenium dan vitamin E
9. Terakhir, kurangi stres dan depresi. Carilah kesibukan atau olahraga demi membantu menenangkan pikiran.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wulan Guritno other boobs...
Who's the boobs aside Wulan Guritno ? Anybody knows ?
Click here to get Wulan Guritno FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Internet Tingkatkan Kemampuan Otak

Hehehe... berselancar di dunia maya (internet) ternyata bisa meningkatkan fungsi otak dan memperkecil kemungkinan kehilangan memori ingatan. Setidaknya ini terbukti pada orang dewasa berusia sekitar 50 tahun ke atas. Hasil penelitian terbaru tim peneliti psikiater dan peneliti saraf University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) menunjukkan, penggunaan internet pada orang berusia tua bisa meningkatkan fungsi kognitif.
Situs National Geographic News dan harian the Telegraph, Selasa (20/10), yang mengutip hasil penelitian itu, menyebutkan bahwa tim UCLA membandingkan 24 orang dewasa usia 55-78 tahun yang sama sekali belum pernah membuka internet dengan yang tak pernah absen setiap hari. Hasilnya, ada peningkatan aktivitas bagian otak yang bertugas menangani memori dan membuat keputusan. ”Ini menunjukkan, membuka-buka situs di internet bisa menjadi cara mudah untuk melatih otak,” kata peneliti senior Teena D Moody.
Sukarelawan penelitian ini diminta membuka internet di rumah selama empat jam setiap hari. Bukan hanya sembarang membuka situs, tetapi secara khusus menggunakan mesin pencari dan menjawab pertanyaan berbagai topik yang ada di berbagai situs. Satu pekan kemudian para sukarelawan diperiksa dan hasilnya ada peningkatan aktivitas otak pada wilayah yang terkait kemampuan penggunaan bahasa, visual, memori, dan membaca.
Selama ini efek teknologi pada fungsi otak menjadi perdebatan sengit. Direktur the Royal Institution Susan Greenfield menghubungkan situs jaringan sosial di internet dengan berkurangnya daya konsentrasi pada anak. Ia juga menyalahkan layanan pesan singkat (SMS) sebagai penyebab meningkatnya ketidakpedulian pada anak.
Julia Perez, Hot Drunk Sex and Orgy !
She's mad, she's going nuts in every dugem party ! Free Sex, Hot orgy and drunk for Julia Perez is her daily activities ! This is why her father wanna kill her immediately, as he got a female devil child !
Boys and girls, don't try this at home !
Click here to get Other Julia Perez FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !
Monday, October 26, 2009

As happened recently at a night club in the number of Surabaya. Damian Perez's ex-wife was waddle on stage accompanied by the din of music progresiv. Artist owner of this sexy breasts looked so enjoy the music that was stomping disco in town visitors these heroes. It's predictable, dozens of visitors who were attending a private party at the club, hypnotized by the swaying wild woman Jupe is familiarly called.
Infotainment media team also managed to obtain several pieces of pictures jupe hot hot while dancing on the stage. There is a picture quite challenging, as a lover Gaston Castano is currently holding the bottle, and sipped it with a face that looks drunk. In addition there were several other photos of successful challenge we got from a reliable informant infotainment media team.
"It think it was the photos taken at the disco in Surabaya. If no one at Hugo's Café. Plasticity Jupe really late at night in a party. "Clearly, a guest speaker who is a photographer.

Julia Perez was sexy and full of sensation, not only in every role in the film as sexy as a ghost in "HANTU JAMU GENDONG" released earlier in January, but also in any action outside the entertainment world.
As seen in some photos that recently circulated on the Internet mailing list, Belah Duren tembang owner is looking sexy and relaxed with some friends as well as posing alone.
There are five photographs, which seemed to photograph Julia's personal collection. This is seen from the photograph Jupe when wearing a blue shirt with white short cardigan.
Julia Perez in the photo looks to take pictures with the camera itself can be a pocket or phone. Jupe looked so sexy with visible cleavage and thighs look a little bit at the bottom of the image.
While the photos with the same clothes, looking at the photo shoot farther, but still visible Jupe take pictures himself with his right hand.
In another photo, Jupe seemed more at ease wearing a sarong beach with a man and a woman, was on vacation.
In the fourth photo, this wife of Damien Perez photographs with the same man in the previous picture that looks much younger age than Jupe.
In the final image, such as middle Jupe in the bridal fashion shoot, seen from a wedding dress and a man who was the dress worn by arranging artist who was born with the name of this Yuli Rachmawati.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Andi Soraya started his career in the entertainment world as a model and began to crawl through the world of soap opera acting Air Mata Terakhir ever aired in RCTI. Brenda was married to Ahmad Kurnia authority. But their marriage ended in divorce in November 2001. Andi asked for a divorce because her husband was not like Brenda career in the entertainment world. From his first marriage, Brenda has one son, Shawn Adrian Khilafat. After the divorce, Brenda relationships with soap opera player Steve Emmanuel, now renamed after Joseph's faith became converts. They were living together without marriage bond to produce a son, Darren Sterling Emmanuel. Andi Soraya who had clashed with this Perssik Goddess pedangdut refused to marry because it was still traumatized by a previous marriage. Andi has now parted with Steve, aka Yusuf Andi Soraya Iman and start a new relationship with Ferly Son, a newcomer in the entertain.

Brenda was married to Ahmad Kurnia authority. But their marriage ended in divorce in November 2001. Andi asked for a divorce because her husband was not like Brenda career in the entertainment world. From his first marriage, Brenda has one son, Shawn Adrian Khulafa. After the divorce, Brenda relationships with soap opera player Steve Emmanuel. They were living together without marriage bond to produce a son, Darren Sterling Emmanuel. Andi refused to marry because it was still traumatized by a previous marriage.
Andi had to deal with the law, because the associated charged with throwing a glass at the wife of a businessman, Wanto Vishnu. On October 9, 2008, Andi criminal sentenced for 3 months. Andi who had clashed with this artist Dewi Persik, again at odds with other Indonesian artists. This time Brenda odds with the model and soap opera player, Catherine Wilson. Events that occurred in February 2009 brought even to the report to the police.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wallpaper Artis Revalina S. Temat

In The Silent the adolescent artisan Revalina S. Temat clearly admirers abundant to Tora Sudiro. For absolutely a continued time Revalina S. Temat admired the handsome man nan the humorist. He had one attraction that charge be realised by him with Tora Sudiro. What tuh? "I capital absolutely was in films with Tora Sudiro," said the accustomed artisan was greeted by Reva, was met detikhot in Jakarta aloof recently. In the eyes of the capital brilliant the 'Bawang Putih Shallot' film, Tora Sudiro was the actor's absolute noose.
Apart from accomplished joked (in Extravaganza), Tora Sudiro could additionally act austere like in 'Banyu Biru' and the 'Arisan'. Again whether his plan to accompany about his obsession? The Revalina S. Temat face at already afflicted abashed back this catechism was thrown. He said all that aloof his thoughts then. Acted in the advanced awning absolutely was the dream. Unfortunately during several months in advanced of this amount was not accessible to be done because agenda bottleneck syuting the film.
To accent your abs quickly, and abate inches from their environment, analysis online Yoga and belly training that focuses on deepening your abdomen. If you accept an iPhone, could use. However, if you do not accept time to do their analysis online, you can consistently put a pillow on the attic and accomplish a few moments leg.
For the adaptation of these contest every day, no added than seven account anniversary day will accept a bass bikini anatomy in no time. Start today and it feels wonderful.
It is mid-1940 and the Second World War, back Australia artist Paula Stafford, adverse a curtailment of abstracts to dream of the abstraction of two-piece bathing. It has little to do with the appearance and added to do with the absence of accessible accumulation tissues. The two pieces at a time back a angle was shocking, in actuality not appear until the mid-1950s, back Paula was the bikini, and it appears in the acclaimed bank of Surfers Paradise on the east bank of the Australia, abominable and adult bank participants.
Foto Artis Sinetron Bunga Zainal
Same affirmation is still distinct but accept a appropriate friend. Then mix in one assignment the same. Relationships amid soap opera brilliant Bunga Zainal and Element Band drummer, Didi Riyadi aloof feel the closer. Appear to 20th Bunga Zainal altogether affair in Pizza Mahakam, Didi like Bunga Zainal for a appropriate friend. Cuddle and aroma into evidence.
While the Bunga Zainal age 20 is allotment of the date to be added adult, complete in brainy and airy be afterpiece to the Creator. For his career, he hopes in this year can get the assurance to be able to comedy continued afterwards the blur in the apple soap opera.
Here are some strategies assignment and which will accumulate you a float until the abridgement turns around.
Consider promotional modeling
Promotion of clay back the archetypal is to activate customer appeal for a product, account mark, or by interacting anon with consumers. A archetypal of advance can be macho or female, and about is adorable in appearance. Providing advice to consumers about the artefact or account that is absorbing for them to another. This allows the customer to analyze the product, account or aggregation that offers it. Experts say that back the abridgement does not acceleration vices. Many American are still in favor of accepting a acceptable time. The nightlife is a abundant way to accumulate your face from the stage, the algid and accomplish money. The affair to do is to acquaintance the promoters in your breadth to see if they charge admirable women and admirable men in your club to advice aggregate email addresses and actualize the database of his party.
Advertising Agencies
Go to the library and become accustomed with Announcement Age annual or appearance it online. The annual lists the above announcement agencies in your breadth and gives a abrupt arbitrary of their customers. Once you accept this information, alarm the announcement agencies and the Director of Marketing. Tell them that you are an absolute and I admiration if you can accelerate your pictures for approaching announcement campaigns. Remember: It's cheaper for them to appear anon to you through an agency.
Ayu Azhari Bikini Foto
Azhari ancestors acknowledgment to accomplish sensation. Azhari aboriginal built-in family, Ayu Azhari, tumult programme admirable angle captivated by Forestry Departement at Manggala Wanabhakti building, Jakarta, Thursday (27/3) black with apprehend balladry with apparel that apparent acceptable after abrasion bra.
Azhari abrasion college check with adolescent blooming colour with opened back, Ayu looks adult and apparent to allure back apprehend Ws Rendra balladry at "Pagelaran Seni Suluk Hijau".
The accouterment acclimated mystery, affect and pleasure. underwear, back called correctly, can accomplish these three elements. Take three photos of the aforementioned woman. In an angel that makes a acceptable shirt and jeans. In the photo two, dressed in underwear. In three pictures is absolutely naked. Place the three photos in advanced of a man and ask him to accept a woman, he advised the sexiest.
Most of the time on the eyes attending naked woman because she is naked. Then we will see in lingerie woman. More acceptable to accept women in underwear. Why? Of the three pictures, women in underwear is the alone one that meets the three missions, and provides the three elements mentioned above. We will breach the three images.
Sarah Azhari Sexy Wallpaper
Sarah Azhari built-in in Jakarta, at 16 Jun 1977. The carrier is added about with modeling, alike at aftermost she become cine stars. Sarah Azhari brilliant a blur who absolute by Garin Nugroho, Sarah Azhari comedy at "DAUN DI ATAS BANTAL" with chief extra Christine Hakim.
Carefully baddest the abundance because there is a aberration in accouterment food because the food as the capital Victoria's Secret and Lane Bryant underwear, but about accepted as a abject of food Bra , underwear, socks, and maybe some adult lingerie. There is actually annihilation amiss with these stores, but the alternative of adult lingerie is absolutely limited. May they accept some sets, pajamas and robes, but they will not be a ample alternative of adult lingerie. Other types of food such as Macy's and Sears accept additionally underwear, but the alternative is adequately tame.
Wallpaper|Foto Agnes Monica Penyanyi Seksi

Agnes Monica success gave him glory, not alone in Agnes Monica built-in country, the Philippines, Indonesia, but additionally in adjoining countries in Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines and Indo-Dutch in the Netherlands. His achievement in the Song Festival 2008 in Asia, Seoul, Korea, opened the doors of the celebrity of Taiwan, Korea, China and the blow of the Asia-Pacific. It is the alone accompanist in Indonesia, which has its own ball accumulation alleged Nezindahood, which are consistently performed forth back Agnes Monica. [This year's plan is to "go international". That's why you charge to apprentice the Chinese accent alike more. Accordingly, Taiwan's role in the alternation 2 "Romance in the White House" by Peter Ho and "The Hospital" with Jerry Yan. Although not the capital role in alternation 2, but it is a big footfall for her and for Indonesian actress.
Whether you accept baby breasts or who accept had their breasts surgically removed because of a mastectomy, or if you appetite to advance the actualization of your breasts while cutting a bikini cut low or high, there is a way that we can assuredly accept ample breasts almost the aforementioned amount you pay for a acceptable bra.
Women, as several items, including swimsuits to actualization their break and chest. To actualize such a analysis and breast lift, it is up to all the axiological attempt of engineering. In demography the meat and move upwards and appear the centermost of your bra or bathing suit, creating the actualization of accepting bigger breasts, beneath if alone a bra.
The abstruse of the conception of a analysis is to aboriginal buy a bra or bikini top is a abate (in cups) of what they commonly use. So while you are in your bath, or online for article alleged the forms of bra, chest or platelets. The amount varies from $ 11 to $ 45 for a pair. They are fabricated of silicone foam, cloth, water, air or gel. Additionally accessible on meat blush (bare), or clear.
Julia Perez Seksi Wallpaper
Julia Perez Accept A big Breast What about her accident about breast Blight ??
How to abate your accident about breast blight if you accept a big boobs??
She the commodity others from ezinearticles
How To Abate The Accident Of Breast Cancer
By Jitesh Arora
for every ache there are some accident factors it is aforementioned with breast cancer. There are some accident factors which are not beneath the ascendancy of a being and some accident factors are those which depend on the activity appearance of a person.
First I appetite to address about the factors which cannot be changed, if you are a woman your accident of accepting breast blight is automatically increased. Women are at a greater accident of accepting breast blight as the breast beef are agilely apparent to hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Men can additionally ache from breast blight but breast blight in men is a actual attenuate case.
Asmirandah Artis Cantik Wallpaper

Asmirandah was built-in on October 5 1989. She’s adopted alleged Andah rather again Asmi. She said” I will avoid if addition alleged me Asmi, amuse alarm me Andah. I anytime alleged “Asmi” back I was in elementary school. That’s enough!”
Her debuts in TV alternation are “Inikah Rasanya Cinta” and “inta SMU 2” and chase with Kawin Gantung, Arti Cinta, Maha Kasih, Maha Kasih 2, Kau Masih Kekasihku, Wulan, Surga-Mu, Baby Doll, and Melody. She’s additionally accommodating in some artefact for TV bartering as an extra of course.
However, a affectionate of woman to abide a thong but men abide to advance their desires into decisions to buy lingerie that any battle with the wishes and tastes of the couple. In fact, thong sales in actuality alone annual for beneath than twenty-five percent of all purchases of clothing, so the affairs are that the woman apparently did not appetite to accept and acknowledge a thong as a allowance from a man in her life, unless you absolutely straps.
In adjustment to accord lingerie as a gift, again the man or woman should do their appointment afore purchasing your gift. People charge to apperceive what the women in his activity is happier with her body, because it is never allotment of the anatomy will absolutely focus on lingerie. For example, if a woman is decidedly appreciative of his chest and a braiding may be the way forward, a shirt, but it would apparently be bigger for a woman with abundant legs. Any anatomy allotment that the woman becomes added comfortable, and there is every adventitious of a allotment of accouterment on the bazaar that is accessible to complete.
Nia Ramadhani Seksi Foto|Wallpaper

After arena at in blur Suster Ngesot, artisan Nia Ramadhani allotment acting abbreviate barter in advanced awning film.
In blur both this, above Bams Samsons lover allotment to arena at in blur is accepting brand horor with chaplet Hantu Jembatan Ancol. What is interesting, at the film, Nia is not alone airy horor. But additionally arena syur by attractive on the anatomy cavity in bikini bolt wrapping.
This is beginning actualization of Nia arena syur. Appropriately it is not strange, said Nia, best all bodies abutting its, including the parent, accuse with the scene.
" I am fabricated affronted all hollow. If poppa had not seen, appropriately abhorrence also. I do not apperceive what after animadversion they is. I additionally the arena abhorrence will autumn beef and makes my angel am negativity," he said. " I afraid and charge time two hour for talking about that. Because initially acceding uses one piece, but artlessly is ordered uses which two allotment to let added sensual. my mother Affronted snugly sees the sample," added it is again.
Even so, bearing at Jakarta, 16 Aprils 1990 is acknowledge arena syur is new claiming in the career as blur player.
Tika Putri Cute Wallpapers

How to accomplish Adorableness Face from Accomplish Up Like Tika Putri
here the tips to accomplish adorableness Face
For those women who are disturbing with the way they feel about themselves, I apperceive too able-bodied the activity of low self-esteem and abridgement of assertiveness. Aloof accept acceptance that life's journeys will advice you breach out of your carapace eventually and accord yourself the adulation and account you deserve.
Until that day arrives, actuality are a few accessible tips.
1) Realise that architecture does not HAVE to be blatant and bright. You can still put on your face, alike a complete advantage look, and still attending natural. You can still accept fun with makeup. For all those years, I didn't cartel abrasion annihilation because I anticipation I would attending antic with any colors on my eyes or face. I didn't realise aloof architecture was about airy and would aloof accomplish me attending better.
2) Use able face architecture appliance techniques to abbreviate your face. There are architecture techniques you can use to abbreviate your cheeks, abate your bifold button or align your nose. You can assignment wonders with a simpler bronzer on your face.
3) Opt for a aloof eye architecture look. Go for shades that are beiges, nudes, delicate browns etc. Keeping your architecture attractive accustomed will not accomplish you feel like you are on display. A admirable aloof attending will highlight your best appearance after calling absorption to you.

This commodity explains a few things about accustomed breast enlargement, and if you're interested, again this is account reading, because you can never acquaint what you don't know.You may accept apprehend ads apropos accustomed breast enlargement. Maybe you're attractive for options to surgical breast enlargements. If you appetite to enhance your breasts after the costs and risks of surgery, you should apperceive about accustomed breast amplification options.Natural breast amplification about relies on bulb estrogens. These estrogens are not the aforementioned as the estrogen assigned by doctors. Bulb estrogens can account the breast to abound as it does in puberty. Users address abiding after-effects from application accustomed breast enlargement.
Sometimes the best important aspects of a accountable are not anon obvious. Keep account to get the complete picture.Natural breast amplification application bulb estrogens generally comes in the anatomy of a bolus to be taken daily. It can additionally be begin in creams. There are alike accustomed breast amplification articles that appear in aqueous form.It is important to agenda that accustomed breast amplification methods do not appearance after-effects immediately. Don't accord up if you don't see after-effects in a day or two. Many users address after-effects in a few weeks. Unlike surgery, with accustomed breast enlargements you can ascendancy the results. When you ability the adapted size, you can stop application your bolus or cream.
If you are captivated in accustomed breast enlargement, analysis articles carefully. Accustomed breast amplification is a acceptable advantage for bodies who cannot allow surgical enlargement. It is additionally a acceptable advantage for those who appetite added ascendancy over the after-effects or are gluttonous accustomed ingredients..Feeling Full & Firm by application PUERARIAN Breast Cream
This amazing chrism is accomplished for breast firming and enlargement. Various studies accepted that this artefact has a aerial success for acceptable women breast. All Skin TypeIngredients: Pueraria Mirifica and added assemble extractsDirection: Use already in the morning and in the night. Apply assimilate breast breadth and beating for 3-5 account until it is absolutely absorbed.Precautions: Not recommended for abundant women, agriculture mothers or women diagnosed with medical altitude of the breast.
French Lingerie can be of any admeasurement and of accustomed size. The addiction of bearing abstracts acclimated are nylon French Lingerie, latex, leather, cottony and satin. With the blazon or aggregate of abstracts acclimated and the cardinal of decorations, the amount varies a lot. French Lingerie is accessible from $ 13, and the amount can ability hundreds of dollars.
Many food and boutiques in the apple offers French Lingerie. Searching the Internet is a acceptable advantage to acquisition those stores, articles and qualities and prices. There are additionally abounding online food that action Lingerie in France. You can baddest the articles of all styles and prices, and can pay with your acclaim card, PayPal or money. Articles are about alien aural 3 days. Internet additionally allows you to buy clothes anon from France, after a mediator, who can action added artefact affection and satisfaction.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Maia personnel are dismissed if the photo on the bed it was him. Malang musician was even said in reply naughty girl picture that there is no resemblance.
Artist Duo Maia again be highlighted because the image of a sexy pose by using only her lingerie, bra and panties, and style on the bed, widely circulated on the internet.
Slim blonde straight posture similar to Dita Chan (real name mey chan) is emang dare pose for the camera.
Dita Anggraini (full name mei chan) who confirmed the news media after the latest celebrity Purple concert event on RCTI Studio, Jakarta, flatly refused to mention the news half-naked sexy girl is her.
When, the couple's daughter, and Emmy Tjipto Agustin Yuwono this matter clarified whispering about the deliberate spread of this picture as a medium for the popularity boost, sexy girl born in Malang, May 14, 1986 is denied it.

Mey Chan is a female musician who became a new partner for the previous Maia Estianty duo took the name Queen. Through the flag Maia & freinds as a new duo will be flying in the world of music keduannya Indonesia.
Mey Chan himself has not much known in Indonesia's music world, though the woman who claimed his music since the age of 14 years that has joined in several musical groups. However, fairly competent musical skills, viewed from the ability to play the piano, bass and drums. This will give new energy to the Maia and duonya group.
Yuwono Tjipto couple's daughter and Emmy Agustin who live in Malang was recorded once joined at the Comet 14, the band formed when he was entering adolescence. Band followed by Infinity, which is practiced after high school graduation. Infinity Through Mey Chan also known as a professional musician with his appearance in a number of cafes.
New dimensions of the next band becomes a musical ability, after leaving Infinity, bentukannya band with his friends. And last Mey Chan joined Punk Romance, which was around June 2007 she left behind.
In 2008, Mey joined Maia steadily, despite the affair he had subordinated his studies and at that time Maia was in the process of divorce with Ahmad Dhani. The proof is in the album Mey MAIA & FRIEND (2008) and followed by the album THE Champion (2009).
Not only performed with Maia, Mey also appeared solo. This eventually led to rumors he was going solo career. Mey did not dismiss, because in the end he will also solo when Maia decided behind the scenes.
Having had time to get into trouble that was kissing her picture with a bule, this time the image appears similar to that just wearing only underwear. But Mey dodged if the picture is her, but only someone who looked like him.

The last moment, Meggy Z accompanied his wife and children and families according to the narrative, he had been ill for a long time due to heart disease.
Currently Meggy Z bodies have been interred at the residence of his old wife in Cipayung.
Chanter song "Sakit Gigi" This is not only good at singing dangdut, his acting ability can not be underestimated as well. A number of soap operas and films could also stars Meggy.Z.
He began acting early, when he starred in soap operas Bulan Berkaca (TPI). The success of his acting in this soap opera to make a direct protagonist in the soap opera Pocong So, the station aired Indosiar.
Various roles and then began starring Meggy Z, but he remained active in the world who raise dangdut name.
In music dangdut, Meggy.Z name was already well known and earned numerous awards such as gift Dangdut (AD) TPI first held in 1997, Meggy Z was named the Best Dangdut Singer Records, coupled with Iis Dahlia, and then in the same arena , he was named the Best Male Singer.
When flying dangdut music ruled the country music scene, nearly all the songs sung Meggy Z received public attention, such as Red Wine, Blue Yarn and Infertility, who sung a duet with Kristina.
And until the end of his life, Meggy Z is a senior pedangdut very concerned with the development of dangdut music. He is also one of the pedangdut strongly opposed the presence of dangdut singers who rely solely on the vulgar dance.
Profil Meggy Z.
Meggy Z began be dangdut singer in 1968, but until the 1980s his name was not known. Since 1981 he honed skill to create songs. Name Meggy Z soared, after singing the song of creation Obbie Meshach Lebih Baik Sakit Gigi.
Meggy Z (died in Depok, October 21, 2009) is a dangdut singer and actor. He was known to the public as a dangdut singer, but it is also known as an actor in soap operas and feature films.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Usir bau badan dengan cara tradisional

Meski belum terbukti secara klinis, banyak orang mengakui khasiat cara tradisional mengusir bau badan (BB). Takaran bahan-bahannya, karena tidak ada patokan pasti, cukup dikira-kira saja.
Berikut beberapa bahan alam yang dipercaya bisa mengusir bau badan:
- Air rebusan daun sirih yang memiliki efek antiseptik dipakai untuk membilas daerah genitalia yang lembab.
- Daun beluntas dan daun kemangi dikonsumsi sebagai lalapan mentah.
- Air rebusan jahe dan kencur dibuat minuman dengan ditambahai gula.
- Beberapa bunga cengkih direndam dan airnya diminum.
- Jeruk nipis ditambah kapur sirih secukupnya lalu dioleskan ke ketiak sehabis mandi. Gunakan kapur sirih sedikit saja agar tidak membuat kulit melepuh.
- Mentimun diiris kulitnya dan dioleskan ke bagian ketiak.
- Air tawas dioleskan pada ketiak.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Khasiat herbal

Berikut beberapa resep herbal untuk membantu mengatasi demam ringan yang diderita anak :
Resep 1
Bahan: Bawang merah, minyak goreng, minyak kayu putih, jeruk nipis (atau air dari sedikit asam jawa).
Cara membuat: Kupas 2-3 bawang merah, cuci, dan parut. Ambil 2 sdm minyak goreng, 1/2 sdm minyak kayu putih, seiris jeruk nipis diambil airnya atau air dari sedikit asam jawa. Semua bahan dicampur.
Aturan pakai: Gosokkan ramuan tadi ke ketiak, punggung dan perut. Pada kasus demam tinggi, gosokkan ke daerah kepala, semua lipatan tubuh dan bagian-bagian tubuh yang terasa panas jika dipegang.
Bawang merah (Allium cepa L) mengandung flavonglikosida yang berperan sebagai antiradang, pembunuh bakteri, menurunkan panas, menghangatkan, memudahkan pengeluaran angin dari perut, dan mencegah penggumpalan darah.
Resep 2
Bahan: Labu air
Cara membuat: Parut labu air lalu peras dan ambil airnya.
Aturan pakai: Minumkan 3 x sehari masing-masing 1/2 gelas.
Labu air (Lagenaria leucantha Rysby) mengandung kalsium, zat besi dan vitamin C.

Resep 3
Bahan: Air kelapa muda, madu
Cara membuat: Segelas air kelapa muda dan 1 sdm mau diaduk rata.
Aturan pakai: Diminum 2 x sehari, masing-masing 1/2 gelas untuk anak di bawah 5 tahun.
Air kelapa hijau (Cocos nucifera L) mengandung glukosa, sakarosa, fruktosa, sukrosa mineral, dan asam amino. Kandungan zat kimianya berupa enzim mampu mengurai sifat racun.
Jenis jenis ciuman

Banyak orang yang hanya mengenal dua jenis ciuman: ciuman leher dan ciuman orang Prancis (French kiss). Namun, dunia perciuman berkembang pesat. Kini ciuman memiliki banyak ragam. Berikut rinciannya:
Ciuman kupu-kupu
Dekatkan wajah Anda ke wajah pasangan sedekat mungkin dan kemudian kerjap-kerjapkanlah bulu mata Anda dengan cepat dan tiba-tiba.
Ciuman leher
Seperti yang sudah kita kenal, ciuman ini biasanya menandai kencan pertama sebuah pasangan. Anda dengan lembut menyapu leher pasangan dengan bibir.
Ciuman daun telinga
Sudah jelas yang menjadi sasaran adalah daun telinga pasangan. Sedot dan gigit dengan lembut. Berhubung begitu dekat dengan lubang telinga, usahakan tidak membuat bebunyian yang gaduh.
Ciuman eskimo
Secara lembut gesekkan hidung Anda dengan hidung pasangan. Selembut mungkin dan rasakan setiap sentuhan yang terjadi.
Ciuman mata
Sesuai namanya, cium dengan lembut mata pasangan yang terpejam.
Ciuman jari
Sambil bersantai dengan pasangan Anda, ambil jari pasangan dan perlahan-lahan diemut.
Ciuman kaki
Ciuman nan erotis ini dimulai dengan mencium jari kaki, lalu merambat ke atas dengan ciuman nan lembut.
Ciuman dahi
Inilah ciuman ramah. Anda hanya cukup mencium kening pasangan dari ujung satu ke ujung lainnya.
Ciuman membeku
Juga dikenal dengan ciuman mencair. Ini sama dengan ciuman es, hanya memakai es balok kotak kecil. Kulum es balok tadi dan menggunakan lidah pindahkan ke mulut pasangan. Efek dingin dan mencairnya es akan memberikan perasaan sensual.
Ciuman orang Prancis
Inilah ciuman paling sensual di antara ragam ciuman. Ada yang menyebutnya ciuman jiwa, melibatkan lidah dan bibir.
Ciuman buah
Ambil sepotong buah (yang agak keras) dan gigit ujungnya. Ujung yang lain diberikan ke pasangan sambil melakukan ciuman.
Ciuman tangan
Angkat tangan pasangan dan ciumi mulai ujung jari sampai tangan bagian atas.
Ciuman panas dan dingin
Pertama jilat bibir pasangan untuk membuatnya hangat, lalu tiup bibir itu untuk membuatnya dingin. Perhatikan napas Anda. Sebelum berciuman, hindari makan makanan yang merangsang, seperti bawang.
Ciuman bangun tidur
Ini lebih ke waktu daripada teknik. Saat pasangan bangun tidur, cium dia mulai dari leher dan berakhir di bibir. Lalu dengan suara mesra, bilang: "Selamat pagi sayang..."
The Dinda Kanyadewi peeping Experiences...
She looks innocent, but who knows what's in her mind ? She always looks nasty and naughty everywhere she may go. Before millions Indonesian peoples, she gives tukul and all, her secret area for being a noble girl...
Enjoy or curse ?
Click here to get Dinda Kanyadewi FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !
Friday, October 16, 2009
Kenapa account facebook ku hilang ??

Kemaren ada temen bilang “ akun facebook aku hilang”.dalam hati ku bertanya, siapa yang membawa ya?hehe… Sebenarnya istilah dihapus untuk profile di Facebook ga sepenuhnya benar, karena Terms of Use Facebook mengatakan profile tidak akan dihapus, melainkan hanya diblokir status keaktifannya.setelah googling gw nemu alasan kenapa akun facebook diblokir :
1.Sering ganti Nama User Facebook. Memang asik sich kalau ganti-ganti nama, tapi hati-hati kalau nama kita mencurigakan atau bila ketahuan bahwa ada user yang menggunakan nama palsu, maka account tersebut bisa diblokir. Menggunakan nama samaran itu dilarang lho disini (kalau ketahuan sich…)
2.Terlalu banyak join ke group. Hati-hati kalau sudah join ke 200 group atau lebih.
3.Terlalu banyak mengirim message pada sebuah wall atau sebuah group. Facebook akan menganggap tindakan kita sebagai spamming. Atau bahkan dianggap terlalu fanatik terhadap suatu hal (evangelisme), misalnya saja masalah SARA. Kalau mau ngomongin sampai banyak hal ke satu orang, lebih baik lewat message aja, atau lewat fitur chat yang disediain.
4.Berteman dengan terlalu banyak orang. Kata pepatah “banyak teman banyak rejeki” memang benar, tapi di Facebook, kebanyakan teman justru akan terlihat mencurigakan, bukan cuma bagi tim Facebook-nya, tapi juga dari orang-orang yang kita add sebagai teman. Sebagai catatan bahwa 5000 adalah jumlah maksimum teman yang bisa kita punya di Facebook, dan juga makin mendekati angka ini berarti makin mencurigakan.
5.Nama sekolah dan organisasi yang kita ikuti mencurigakan / tidak benar. Jangan asal nulis bahwa kita lulusan ITB atau Harvard kalau kita baru sekolah sampai SMA sekarang ini. Kalau ketahuan bisa di blok akun mu.
6.Mencolek terlalu banyak orang. Bagi yang suka nyolek nyolek seseorang. hati-hati, bisa dimarah ma bapaknya lho… hehehe.
7.Mengiklankan aplikasi di wall orang. Bagi yang bisa membuat aplikasi atau kuis, trus nulis di wall orang lain dengan tujuan promosi aplikasi. Hati-hati, bukannya mendapat pengunjung yang ramai, malahan aplikasi tersebut dihapus dan account si pembuat diblokir karena ini. Iklan dan spam batasnya sangat tipis di sini. Biarlah aplikasi berkembang jumlah penggunanya karena pengguna itu sendiri walau harus berjalan dengan lambat.
8.Membuat pesan yang sama persis dan dikirim ke banyak orang. Siapa sih yang ga suka metode copy paste? Selain praktis dan efektif, juga ga perlu repot-repot lagi membuat rangkaian kata baru. Tapi ini juga merupakan ciri-ciri spam yang tentu aja gak diperbolehkan di Facebook (sebagai info, spammer yang sudah profesional menggunakan message yang berbeda-beda untuk tiap spamnya).
9.Berada di bawah umur 18 tahun. Ok, sekarang mungkin terlihat ga relevan lagi karena Facebook sendiri sudah memperbolehkan tahun kelahiran 2009 digunakan! Tapi jangan menganggap sepele aturan ini karena dalam Terms of Use di bagian Eligibility masih tertulis aturan bahwa Anda harus berumur 13 tahun ke atas DAN berumur kurang dari 18 tahun tetapi berada di bangku SMA (high school) atau kuliah (ini juga kalau ketahuan sich…).
10.Menulis konten yang bersifat offensif. Kita mungkin memiliki pendapat berbeda dengan orang lain atau mungkin ga suka dengan orang lain. Tapi jangan sekali-sekali mengungkapkan itu melalui ruang publik secara kasar karena dengan begitu akun kita bisa langsung diblokir. Dan jangan pula memuat foto-foto syur di sana. Rasanya ini aturan umum yang ada kalau mau bergaul secara online alias netiquette.
11.Mengoleksi informasi dari dan dengan menggunakan Facebook melalui script. Jangan pernah sekali-sekali menggunakan script untuk mengoleksi data penggunanya. Facebook ga memberi toleransi sedikit pun bagi penggunaan script semacam ini. Dan gawatnya, anda akan sulit mempertahankan profile anda kalau sampai ini terjadi karena Facebook merekam aktivitas dan IP anda, dan itulah yang akan mereka gunakan sebagai alasan untuk tetap memblokir.

Memang sich kalau kita ngak ketahuan atau tindakan kita belum terdeteksi. Aman-aman aja, Tapi bila ada orang yang melaporkan kegiatan kamu di Facebook(temen-temen kita yang ember), bisa saja akun kita diblokir.
Kalau menemukan Facebook kita diblokir, coba untuk mengirimkan email kedisabled@facebook.com atauappeals@facebook.com atauinfo@facebook.com.
Tenang aja, Facebook hanya akan memblokir account kamu, bukan menghapusnya karena Facebook memang memiliki aturan seperti itu yang tertuang di Terms of Use nya. Jadi jangan takut kamu kehilangan data kamu seluruhnya kalau kamu mendapati Facebook kamu diblokir.tetapi kalau ngak mau repot ya udah bikin akun baru ajah… hehehe
Buat aku facebook Cuma sekedar hiburan, so sewajarnya aja lah kita menggunakannya.
Dari : berbagai sumber
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Loyalitas Abdi Dalem

Bagi yang pernah berkunjung ke Kota Yogyakarta dan sempat masuk dalam lingkungan kraton, akan sering menjumpai beberapa orang abdi dalem Kraton Yogyakarta. Penampilan mereka mudah dikenali, berbaju kain peranakan biasanya berwarna biru tua bergaris vertical 3 dan 4 (telupat). Mereka juga menggenakan kain dan sebilah keris terselip di pinggang belakangnya. Kaki menggenakan selop, bahkan banyak juga diantara mereka yang tidak beralas kaki. Ada nuansa fantastis melihat keteguhan mereka menjalani profesinya yang begitu tenang, seolah berlawanan dengan derasnya dinamika era globalisasi. Hal lain yang lebih fantastis dari rutinitas kehidupan mereka, adalah masalah gaji mereka.
Berapakah gaji mereka sebagai abdi dalem Kraton Yogyakarta? Ternyata para abdi dalem itu rata – rata mandapatkan uang gaji dari kraton hanya berkisar antara 5.000 rupiah sampai 10.000 rupiah tiap bulannya (wehhh buat beli pulsa aja masih kurang bagi aku..).
Para abdi dalem itu menyebut upah tiap bulan yang mereka terima bukan dengan sebutan gaji tetapi kekocah, yakni sebagian uang sultan untuk para abdi dalem atas jasanya mengabdi. Mbah Marijan, yang adalah abdi dalem Juru Kunci Gunung Merapi, sebelum dikontrak menjadi bintang iklan kuku biima, menerima kekocah sebesar Rp 5.600,- per bulan, tanpa pernah mempersoalkan.weleh… gak habis fikir aku.

Sungguh fantastis dan harus diakui bahwa keadaan ini melawan arus “kelumrahan hidup” seperti yang sehari-hari dilakukan oleh masyarakat diluar komunitas para abdi dalem itu.sangat sulit bagi kita untuk melakukan hal itu. Kondisi yang mendorong para abdi dalem terpanggil untuk melayani di kraton itu bukanlah suatu benda kasat mata yang selalu dapat dinilai dengan rupiah atau dinalar oleh pancaindra manusia, tetapi suatu panggilan jiwa dorongan nurani.
Satu hal lagi yang dapat dicermati dari kehidupan para abdi dalem kraton itu adalah rasa bangga bahwa mereka dapat mengabdi kepada Kraton Yogyakarta Hadiningrat, bahwa mereka mendapatkan kebahagiannya dengan hidup intuk melayani dan mensyukuri segala pemberiannya.

Tika Putri name became popular in the ear of Indonesian society, as he managed to portray the characters in the film si Jago Merah. In the film, he was paired with several other famous artists such as Ringgo etc.From the film, more and more involved in the bid for her Indonesian entertainment world. One of the sitcom that is also present Tika Coffe Bean Show. Thanks to his role in the sitcom, Tika can be considered as one of the versatile artist
To Tika Putri bikini pictures, have not been able to know where the shot. The purpose of these photographs are also not known with certainty whether for a product or advertising these photos solely for private collections Tika. So far, virtually deserted Tika of Gossip. Love story soap star Air Mata Cinta also not too exposed surface. But overall, it becomes Tika presence of new flavor in the world of Indonesian entertainment. Hopefully,Bikini Photo of Tika Putri not make it abandoned by loyal fans.
Tika Putri Hastari or her nicknamed Tika Putri started his career in film started with a friend's invitation to attend the casting.
The art world seem familiar to this girl.Tika Putri was born in Bandung, November,1st 1989, since a child's world to cultivate the art of dance. Tika proficient in modern dance and salsa.
Although a newcomer, Tika has starred in several feature films such as, PEREMPUAN BERKALUNG SORBAN, KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH, etc..
Besides the film, also plays a role in Tika soap operas YASMIN and TV COFFEE BEAN SHOW. His latest film, QUEEN BEE started running in May 2009.
Although a career in acting, but the faculty of Business Management student Bina Nusantara Jakarta has a dream career in fashion. JAGAD X CODE movie star plans to fashion school to support his ideals.
When the world also began to cultivate the presenter, to become one DERINGS music presenter on Trans TV.
In May 2009, Tika again believed to be the main star in the movie QUEEN BEE.