"There I do a sex scene with my husband, so not figure Andi Soraya. Do not just view the scene from that. We just simply can see from the totality. If the image is not a problem. Demi Moore aja pernah main film striptease. But the view it as a good drama film, "he said in the press screening at the Film implant Pocong FX Mall, Jakarta, Tuesday (9 / 6). According news,Foto bugil Andi Soraya in 'susuk pocong film' was outspread in internet.
Matter of personal research that he can do more for deepens the film that starring him, he is not reluctant to exchange ideas with the Paranormal.
"I get many, to people who use nail Is Paranormal. If I do not use, so I do not know. I just cantiknya natural. Is a temporary implant, even if people it's savor is limit so can people hate return ," she said.
How about Steve alias Joseph Emmanuel Faith,her sweetheart? Whether he himself did not object to do sex?
"I know him, but I'm not a permit. So he took syuting again. Yes he should not watch the movie, I was hit later. But I believe him,because the opponent actress is Restu Sinaga, a friend he also, "she said.
"I get many, to people who use nail Is Paranormal. If I do not use, so I do not know. I just cantiknya natural. Is a temporary implant, even if people it's savor is limit so can people hate return ," she said.
How about Steve alias Joseph Emmanuel Faith,her sweetheart? Whether he himself did not object to do sex?
"I know him, but I'm not a permit. So he took syuting again. Yes he should not watch the movie, I was hit later. But I believe him,because the opponent actress is Restu Sinaga, a friend he also, "she said.

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