Saturday, June 22, 2013

Membuat Foto Sampai Akhir Hayat

Unik tapi Fakta - Proyek foto Polaroid telah dimulai dengan serangkaian foto dan pembuatnya adalah Jamie Livingston menyadari bahwa ia telah melakukan beberapa gambar per hari. Jadi, dia memutuskan untuk membuat catatan foto mengambil gambar tunggal sehari dengan kamera Polaroid-nya.

Dia melakukannya selama 18 tahun (1979 - 1997) sampai hari ia meninggal dari kanker. Ada lebih dari enam ribu Polaroid di koleksi, meskipun beberapa dari mereka yang hilang.

Jamie bekerja sebagai sinematografer dan editor video musik MTV, serta bekerja pada iklan dengan Nike, ia juga anggota rombongan sirkus Chris Wangro The Circus Janus.

Setelah kematiannya, koleksi-nya diatur ke dalam sebuah pameran yang disebut "Jamie Livingston PHOTO OF THE DAY.: 1979-1997".

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)


Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)


Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Wedding ring with which he proposed to his fiancée 
Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Two days later on 7th October he got married.
Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

Just a few weeks later he’s back in the hospital. On October 24, 1997, a friend playing music in the hospital room.
The next day, he died. 

Photo a Day until He Died (43 pics)

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