Sunday, March 20, 2011

Artis Artis Mulus Asia

Artis Artis Mulus Asia Patients with chronic bronchitis will experience: (a). Increasing the size and number of mucous glands in the bronchi of which increases mucus production. (b). More viscous mucus. (c). Siliari malfunctions that may indicate the mechanism of mucus clearance. In normal circumstances, the lungs have the ability called mucocilliary defense, namely surveillance systems and lungs by mucus and siliari.

In patients with acute bronchitis, mucocilliary defense system was damaged lungs so more susceptible to infection. When infections occur, mucous gland hypertrophy and hyperplasia will be (the size of enlarged and the number increases) that will increase mucus production. infection also causes bronchial walls become inflamed, thickened (often up to twice the normal thickness), and issued a thick mucus. The existence of thick mucus from the bronchial wall and the mucus produced by mucous glands in large quantities will inhibit some small air flow and narrow the large airways. Chronic bronchitis initially affect only large bronchi, but it will eventually affect the entire respiratory tract.

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