Artis Malaysia Mesum Hepatoma Pathology: Clinical features. Usually take long before the advent of complaints and symptoms. During the tumor was surrounded by liver tissue no symptoms. Just when the tumor grew through the liver capsule, it will feel pain. Acute pain occurs because of bleeding and tumors. Often, abdominal swelling (edema) because of fluid (ascites) caused by the damming of portal vein due to sirosisnya. In more advanced stages, loss of appetite and may appear jaundice (jaundice) due to bile duct dam. Complaints are often dominated by decompensation sirosisnya: dam with ascites (edema) serious bleeding esophageal veins are clogged, and poor general condition. In cirrhosis of the liver with elevated AFP levels in the blood of the source tumor in the liver as shown in ekhogafis, only require cytological examination and puncture fluid tumor to prove the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Treatment: Before treatment begins, there should be a clear picture of the patient's general condition and the local situation. Often the severity of liver cirrhosis to determine treatment.
If liver function is disturbed there is no treatment. Also, because sirosisnya terbendungnya heart will paralyze any curative activity. Limits surgical therapy is also located in the heart of local circumstances and the expansion of the tumor. Patients with cirrhosis Child A, may be operated on, but the operation can no longer be considered in Child C. Operation and this tumor, just maybe, if still limited to one or two baga. The operation is not possible if there are multiple tumors in the more and the two sections, the tumor has spread to surrounding organs, there is metastasis (often in lung or bone), tumors grow into the bile duct and / or to the blood vessels in and out .
As a palliative measures, can be considered embolization of the artery that feeds the tumor, giving sitostastika or intra-arterial perfusion of the liver isolated by sitostatica. Transplantation of living is very rarely considered. Radiation and systemic therapy are also only allowed a limited basis, in connection with the possibility of liver morbidity. Bad prognosis. Only a partial resection is performed in localized malignant tumor in the liver is quite healthy, providing the possibility of healing. The percentage of recurrence after curative resection of almost 60%.
Liver metastasis: Metastasis in the liver, is the first seedlings of all types of cancer in the food intake pencemaan channel through portal vein. Furthermore, coming from the parent tumor from other organs, such as the airways (especially from lung cancer), urinary tract (such as kidney, prostate and bladder), genital organs, breast, melanoma, and bone. So these tumors, not liver cancer, but other malignant tumor metastasis dad, with all the characteristics of the parent cancer. Clinical symptoms of widespread metastases in the Had is the general state of weakness, fever, loss of appetite, fever that can not be explained why, and loss of life. At times, resection can be done when it comes to small amounts of tumor with no spread elsewhere. Pain because of the growth coming from metastasis to the liver capsule can be treated with palliative radiation. Provision of intra-arterial sitostatica can also provide palliative effect. For metastatic tumors isolated from the parent that handling be curative, can be considered for resection. This involves the possibility to try to achieve healing.
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