Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Artis Malaysia Seksi

Artis Malaysia Seksi. Liver cell cancer. Liver cell cancer, liver cancer is 'normal' happens anywhere in the world, but there are endemic in native populations in China, Southeast Asia, and countries in Africa south of Sahara. In these countries, especially developing cancer in the liver of infected chronic hepatitis-B. The incidence (frequency of occurrence) in this endemic area, thirty per 100,000 population per year, is ten times higher than the low-risk country, a place where alcohol plays the most important. Intensive use of alcohol and prolonged in Western countries is always an important cause of cirrhosis and liver with the consequent increase in the incidence of hepatocellular cancer who are not primary liver terhindarkan.Kanker in endemic areas often develop rapid and fatal. This is the picture that is marked by a determination in the diagnosis of a terminal phase. The more serious cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitits, the greater the risk for development of hepatocellular carcinoma. According to the Child this state was divided into three classes (A, B, and C) according to the seriousness of the disease, based on results of blood tests and clinical picture. Here, Child C is the most serious. Filtering, mainly directed at patients with cirrhosis Child A, through blood tests (al marker alpha-foetoprotein [AFP]) and ekhografi can produce a number of cases diagnosed early.

Pathology. These tumors have a lot of images, shapes, and expansion. Sometimes its source remote, but generally there are a lot of diffuse tumors that spread throughout the liver. Therefore, hepatocellular carcinoma often intangible as a multifocal process. An isolated tumor without symptoms, with a cross section of less than three centimeters, after three years has the percentage of survival of about fifty and after five years of approximately ten more. Metastasisnya mainly to pare and bone.

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